bocky - cigarette
bory - lie
buer - woman, girl
butty - employment
candy - smell
caningra - hare
care - home
chinga - verbal abuse
chavvie - man
chavvie dagger - penis
chippy minton - cold
chivvy - cutting implement
chocker - foot wear, kick
chore - steal
core - fight
corey - penis
cushty - good
danyer - tooth
dawdy - good, great
del - hit
didling - how are you keeping
dik - look at
dimler - idiot
divvy - not all there
doilam - fool
doris - mother
drop - defeat
errers - legs
fam - hand
fez - hair
flag - five pounds
gearer - man, boy
gera - man, boy
goose - not very good
grid - pushbike
grundies - underpants
jaul - come
jeer - behind, break wind
jen - true
jigger - door
juckler - dog
kadge - lend
kadie - hat
kecks - underpants
kek - nothing, shut up
kiingram - bloke
kitch - house
ladged - embarrassed
latch - cop off with
luvva - money
mace - steal
mandy - me
mang - scrounge
masgie - cat
meggs - teeth
meygram - fool
mingrer - policeman
mockerty - dirty
moi - mouth
monish - girlfriend
muller - hurt
mush - man, mate
muskrer - policeman
mutter - excrement
nanar - nothing
nash - leave
nesh - cold
nugget - one pound
pagger - die/beat up
pasties - feet
pankrak - dole
peeve - drink
peever - pub
pester - money
platt - leave, walk
prostie - push bike
putsie - hand
rackler - girl
rackley - girl
radged - insane
ram - food, eat
rocker, talk, tell
scran - food
screeve - car
shurer - cranium
shushie - rabbit
scarat - nothing
skit on - let's go then
slanger - breast
slaver - give cheek to
sort - woman, girl
squares - fornication
sweed - cranium
swoop - let's go
tagsis - trousers
tap - go out with
tash - good looking
teggs - teeth
titner - child
tod - on my own
toff - nose
trashed - scared
turfer - homosexual
tuvler - cigarette
warm - promiscuous
yock - eye